Locker Tags
Locker Tags
Locker Tags
Locker Tags
Locker Tags
Locker Tags
Locker Tags

Locker Tags

Regular price $25.00
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Our Hi-Def Locker Tags are 100% customizable on leather or 0.060" ABS Plastic. They are 2" tall and in a standard 10" or 12" length. Custom lengths are available. 

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Mercedes Little
Locker Tag

I love my new locker tag. There are in total three LITTLE in my department so we get a fire call and if I tell someone to get my gear, they can go to the right Little and get the gear. Box 31 leather always makes good quality items and total recommend getting a locker tag for one if you have multiple last names in your department it’ll be easier to identify you and to just to make your walker look cool

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